
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Foundations Electricity & Electronics

The book is written by Humphrey Kimathi and Ron Bertrand.

Humphrey Kimathi has over 20 years’ experience in repair and service of home electrical appliances which includes, SMPS, LCD/LED Televisions, Home theaters, CRTs, Microwaves, woofers etc. and Author of over 7 books in electronics repairs.

Ron Bertrand has over 40 years’ experience teaching in electronics and radio communication.

Founder, radio and electronics school(RES) in Australia, a volunteer organization which has worked together with thousands of students of all ages to help them achieve their goals, Which I pride myself for being a former student.

Radio and electronics school (RES) is an online school and can be found at here.


This book is for beginner studies in Electricity and Electronics. it a detailed eBook for those interested in scaling career in electronics and a reference book for those already in the field.

The book takes you through all topics in electronics from beginners to advanced level in classroom setup environment.

The book has numerous photos and images to make the user get the concept fast, highly recommended for new student in electronics, hobbyist, to the advanced users.

Now available at Amazon here or click on the book cover


Now offering training on Foundations of electricity and electronics beginners course in partnership with radio and electronics school of Australia, more details here.

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