
Monday, September 14, 2020

How a micro switch works

A micro switch, is an electric switch that is activated by very little physical force, of late they have become very popular due to their low cost and high durability.Commonly used in microwaves, rich cookers, blenders etc

In its simple form, a micro switch have 3 terminals, Common(COM), Normally Open(NO) and Normally closed(NC).

Common(COM)- Always has power(electricity) so don’t confuse with ground, we don’t have ground on switches.

Normally closed(NC)- When the micro switch is on its resting position NC is connected to the common

Normally open(NO)-When the micro switch is pressed, the common connect to the NO (normally open)

The inside of a micro switch

how micro switch works

Recommended book

Foundations of Electricity & Electronics Course By Humphrey Kimathi 


  1. todo bien lo malo que los libros estan en ingles yo quisiera reparar televisiones tengo algo de conosimiento pero neces graciasito los libros en espanol

  2. yes, i repair some microwes like change yhe microwes , high voltage diode i have a microwes give it to me a friend with the simptom . in stand-by after 3 or 4 minutes go in function less a command by me. i clean the command panel , it is digital but no effect. is good in function but at finish the programme i must deconected of 220v ca. this the simptom.
